When you’re struggling to make enough money just to pay for the absolute essentials like food and gas, it’s critical to not ignore credit card and other forms of debt. But sometimes, despite your absolute best efforts, there simply isn’t enough money to survive and still make the minimum payment required by the credit card company or other entity you owe money to.

When that scenario presents itself, if they don’t receive payment after enough time, they’ll often move to have your wages garnished. This entails a court order that enables them to take up to 25% from each one of your paychecks in order to help pay back what you owe.

Get a fresh start with help from our bankruptcy lawyer.

If you are unable to make your monthly payments and are worried about having your wages garnished, immediately contact a Chico bankruptcy lawyer in order to obtain seasoned legal advice about the financial situation you’re in. We have successfully assisted people with fighting back against having their wages garnished for years and are passionate about helping members of the community who are struggling through extreme financial hardships.

We will meet with you and learn everything about the predicament you’re in, and will then provide ongoing counsel to help you navigate the legal process necessary for protecting you against wage garnishment.

Are your wages being garnished in Butte County?

Having your wages garnished can make a bad situation worse if you are already struggling to cover your daily expenses. It can make securing vital essentials like food and fuel even more challenging and exacerbate the stress you’re under. It can also cause a strain at your place of employment, as usually once the judge declares that a portion of your wages can be garnished, your employer gets personally served with the notice from a law enforcement representative.

While there are other options, often the most direct way to avoid wages being garnished is to declare bankruptcy, whether it is Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. In today’s financial environment, bankruptcy is recognized as a legitimate tool for helping hardworking people obtain some relief and get a fresh start.

Contact a Butte County bankruptcy attorney to discuss your financial situation and learn about the options available to you to avoid having your wages garnished.